accouting kế toán 会計


How is a micro enterprise, a small enterprise, and a medium enterprise? According to Article 5 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP, the

q&a taxation thuế 税務


What types of goods are purchased without an invoice? Answer: At Point 2.4, Clause 2, Article 6 of Circular No.

investment and business đầu tư và kinh doanh 投資・ビジネス

Investment & Business

What is the procedure for setting up a business place outside the headquarter address of the company? Answer: Records for

labor and human resources lao động và nguồn nhân lực 労働・人事

Labor & Human Resources

How should the regulation on accumulating annual leave days be understood? Answer: Excerpt from Clause 4, Article 113 of the