KMC’s Newsletter – February 2024 updated contents on accounting, tax, human resources, investment and business as follows:

  1. Conditions for CIT exemption in Ho Chi Minh City according to Decree No.11/2024/ND-CP dated 02 February 2024.
  2. PIT exemption in Ho Chi Minh City according to Decree No.11/2024/ND-CP granted on 02 February 2024.
  3. OL No. 257/TCT-CS dated 19 January 2024 granted by the GDT guiding on recollecting the VAT refunds for foreign export contracts due to late payment.
  4. OL No. 4267/CTHN-TTHT date 22 January 2024 guidance on VAT policy when merging businesses.
  5. Decree No.49/2022/ND-CP supplements regulations on taxable value for cases of transferring future-formed real estate
  6. Issue invoices for internal consumption .
  7. Rights of labors working in dangerous and toxic conditions.

This newsletter aims to update and summarize the general provisions related to Taxation, Accounting,
Investment and Labor in Vietnam. You should seek professional advice before making a decision.

KMC_Newsletter_February 2024 (EN version)