Instructions for making a list of PIT payment amounts paid on behalf of individuals on the cooperative

 by KMC Consulting Company Limited

There are 02 ways to make a detailed list of PIT payment amounts paid on behalf of individuals on the cooperative

Option 1: Enter the information and save it to the database

Step 1: Select the detailed list of PIT payment amounts paid on behalf of

– Enter the information on the date entry screen and press the “Agree” button:

  •    Creation Date: Required to enter in dd/mm/yyyy format, creation date <= Current date
  • Submission: Required to enter the natural number form >0

Step 2: Enter the information of the declaration of the list of PIT amounts paid on behalf of each individual

In particular, the criteria to be entered include:

– Enclosed with the state budget remittance documents:

+ Number: Required to enter the document number, text format

+ Reference number: It is mandatory to enter the reference number, text format

+ Date: Required to enter the date, dd/mm/yyyy format and date must be <= current date

– Criterion [05] Declaration number/ Decision number/ Notification number/Profile identifier (ID): It is mandatory to select 1 of 4 values and enter detailed information

– Indicator [06] Tax period/ Decision date/Notification date:

+ If indicator [05] selects “Declaration number”, it is mandatory to select 1 of the types of tax periods (Year/quarter/month/time incurred) then enter the tax period information

  • If you select the Period type as “Year”, enter it according to the tax period in yyyy format
  • If you select Period type as “Quarterly”, enter the tax period in Q/yyyy format
  • If you select Period type as “Month”, enter the tax period in mm/yyyy format
  • If you select the Period type as “Accrual time”, enter the tax period in the format dd/mm/yyyy

+ If indicator [05] selects “Decision number”, it is mandatory to enter “Decision date” in the format dd/mm/yyyy

+ If indicator [05] selects “Notification number”, it is mandatory to enter “Notification date” in the format dd/mm/yyyy

– Indicator [07] Subsection (Contents of state budget remittances): The default is “1001 – Income tax from salaries and wages”

– Indicator [08] Total amount paid to the state budget: Required to enter integer >0

– Indicator [09] The total amount of overpayment in the previous period to be cleared (if any): Enter the integer >=0

– Column (2) MST: Required to enter, no duplicate MST must be entered between lines

– Column (3) Name of NNT: Incoming entry, text format

– Column (4) Amount deducted: mandatory integer >0

– Column (5) Amount paid to the state budget: Default display = column (4), allowing to correct the integer format >=0. Total column (5) must = indicator [08]

– Column (6) The amount of overpayment in the previous period to be cleared (if any): Enter the integer >=0. Total column (6) must = indicator [09]

Step 3: Click <Record> to save the information to the database

Option 2: Get information from an excel file and save it to the database

Step 1:On the declaration details screen, select the link <Download list> to get a sample of the list

Step 2: Enter the information into the excel list file (the indicators are the same as entering directly on UD)

Step 3: Select the <Download Spreadsheet button>