Why Change the Company’s Address?

Changing your company’s address can be essential for various strategic reasons:

  • Expansion: A larger workspace may be necessary to accommodate business growth.
  • Cost Optimization: Relocating to a more affordable area can reduce financial expenses.
  • Improved Location: Moving closer to partners, customers, or business centers can enhance convenience and connectivity.
  • Market Development: Expanding to new areas can increase your market presence and attract new customers.
  • Legal Compliance: Adjusting the address to meet legal requirements or new business needs.
  • Operational Update: Aligning the address with current business operations or models.
  • Infrastructure Improvement: Moving to a location with better infrastructure, such as transportation, utilities, and business support.

KMC’s Role in the Company’s Address Change Service

Changing your company’s address involves different procedures depending on whether the new address is within the same district, a different district, or a different province. KMC simplifies this process, helping reduce the paperwork and ensuring a smooth transition.

Here’s how KMC can assist:

  1. Free Consultation: We provide guidance on the information required before starting the address change procedure.
  2. Document Preparation: We prepare the necessary application for registering the address change, including documents signed by the legal representative and the owner.
  3. Information Declaration: We draft the written decision on the address change and prepare the declaration form.
  4. Document Handling: We manage the document index and cover as required by the Department of Planning and Investment.
  5. Submission and Collection: We represent your company in submitting documents and receiving results from the Department of Planning and Investment.
  6. Delivery: We deliver the new business license to your location.
  7. Ongoing Legal Support: We offer free legal consultation for any further legal procedures as needed.

For a seamless address change experience, rely on KMC to handle all aspects efficiently and professionally.

Other Services

Accounting and Finance Advisory

KMC provide professional initial accounting and tax registration services, you shall not bother about issues related to tax and accounting after post license. Our team with high expertise and many years experiences will support and accompany you.

Taxation Advisory

Our tax services rely on our local knowledge to ensure tax compliance, tax administration and dealing with tax authorities. We assist you by taking into account the latest regulations thus ensuring full tax compliance and optimization.

Business Advisory

KMC believes in an approach to our client, as we familiarize ourselves with all aspects of your business and the environment in which you operate, it enables us to propose you the most appropriate plan at a competitive service fee.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory

Our global network in combination with our deep industry knowledge means that we can help companies identify other businesses that offer a good strategic fit and assist them with acquisitions, mergers and alliances that allow them to maintain and build their competitive advantage.

Transfer Pricing Advisory

Transfer pricing refers to the rules and methods for pricing transactions between related entities, typically within multinational companies. Currently, regulations on compliance of transfer pricing are very complexly and strictly.

Annual Consulting Services

KMC has the expertise with experienced resources, including lawyers, auditors, accountants who have many years of experiences working in the investment, accounting, taxation and labour consulting fields.